Sunday, December 29, 2013

Another Crash Into My Parked Car Means
No Viking Run for the Turtle
Sunday, December 28, 2013

I don't know what it is about my Honda Civic... I parked my Subaru here for seven years without a hitch, but in the time I've had the Civic it's been hit twice (while parked), had a side mirror smashed, had the rear window broken, and had a small side window broken so someone could break into the car. This morning I went out to check the temperature so I could decide how to dress for the Viking Run down in Rosendale - and noticed one of my rear lights sitting on the sidewalk. Went around to the other side of the car and found the rear end smashed in and the driver side mirror smashed. @$*&$@**!!!

Fortunately it's driveable but now I have the hassle and expense of getting it fixed to deal with. 2013 continues to wind down with both bangs and whimpers.