Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Beast of Buckingham (Pond)
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Yesterday I received an alert from the Albany Police Department, warning that they'd responded to a call that morning about a possible wild animal sighting at Buckingham Pond. A version of the following was attached, and the email noted that they hadn't found anything but urged people to be cautious.

I'm sure part of the worry here is due to the recent rabid coyote attack about an hour north of here. But this picture is almost useless... other than showing some kind of cat, there's no information about what this might be. What size was it? Housecat? Lion? More information is needed!

Today I went looking for more detail and found out that the cat in question was the size of a large housecat, maybe a bobcat. Sorry, that's not a bobcat - they don't have long tails. Once the size is given, it's clearly a housecat of some sort.

And today, the mystery was solved when a local resident contacted the news and told them the wild animal in question is her cat Chester - who will be confined indoors for a while until the worry over the Beast of Buckingham dies down and he's less likely to be taken out by some yoyo who thinks he's saving the neighborhood from a vicious critter.

Watch your back Chester...