Thursday, January 11, 2018

10.6 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Yes, that says 48 degrees (and an hour after sundown, no less.) But it was damp and breezy, so it felt colder than that, at least until I rode up a couple of hills - pedaling my 50 lb fat bike uphill warmed me up pretty nicely.

The drawback to such warm temperatures was the snow was pretty slushy, which makes for tough going even with 4" wide tires. I mostly rode the bare bike path and Lock 7 Rd - tried a short bit of snow covered path near Lock 7 and rapidly gave up, and there was still some snow and ice on the path between the Lions Park and the start of the Colonie section.

I briefly considered doing a 2nd lap out to the Lock and back, but I just had too much work to do tonight to stay out for another 30 minutes. Oh, well.