Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Just got word that as of last Friday, the paving of the Albany County Rail Trail has resumed, with the goal being to finish the section from Slingerlands to Voorheesville (about 3.7 mi.) This means those sections of the trail will be closed during weekdays, though the hope is that some parts can be re-opened when work isn't actually being done.

As I've said before, I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, the paved surface will be much more durable and will attract more traffic (OK, that's only a positive from an accounting POV), plus I'll be able to ride my road bike the entire length of the trail. On the other hand, we have very few options for unpaved paths locally, and it always stings when we lose another one. Then again, since they prepped it for paving it hasn't been a especially pleasant surface for running or riding, so pavement will be an improvement over the current packed and loose gravel.

I'm also curious as to whether they'll remove the old bridge about halfway between Slingerlands and Voorheesville, like they did the old Rockefeller Rd bridge on the way to South Pearl St.

UPDATE 6-28: On my way over to Five Rivers this evening I drove by the various road crossings and was surprised to find a paved path stretching off into the distance. Looks like they may have the bulk of the paving done.