Friday, October 12, 2018

6.1 Mile Run Through Saratoga Spa State Park
Friday, October 12, 2018
Stopped at Saratoga Bridges this afternoon to pick up my race packet and took the opportunity to head over to the park for some easy running on mostly the 5 Mile Loop trails. Wonderful fall weather, one of my favorite times of the year to run. Lots of people out and about in the park, especially XC teams getting ready for tomorrow's big meet.

For some reason my Garmin wouldn't pick up the satellites for quite a while - I was about 1.4 miles in before it started working as more than just a watch. So that's missing from the map of today's route - climbing Ferndell and looping through the woods on top of the ridge before heading back down on the trail along the SPAC fenceline and past the geyser and environmental education center before crossing the creek on the 1st footbridge.

Tomorrow it's back to the park for a 10k entirely on roads and paved paths.