Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Not that a Sunday can be a traditional snow day, but everything still seems to have shut down temporarily due to the storm that dropped 18" of snow and sleet on Albany in the last 20 hours or so. And adding to the fun - high speed winds until tomorrow evening that will give us windchills well below zero. Fun, fun, fun.

Not many birds in the backyard, even after I dug out the feeders, though I heard a ruckuss later in the afternoon and looked out to see a dozen or so crows digging in the snow for seed. And a little later I head the coopers hawk squawling - he hung around for a couple of hours, possibly hoping the mourning doves that usually drop by at the end of the day would show up today and provide him with a meal. He stayed long enough that I thought he might spend the night, but I spotted him flying off as I was digging my car out for the 2nd time after going for a short walk.