Wednesday, May 15, 2019

20.8 Mile Ride on the Erie Canalway Trail (Pattersonville - Schoharie Crossing)
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

My legs are still feeling the effects of last weekends lunacy, and tomorrow night I've agreed to run the CDPHP Workforce Challenge on the school team. So going out for the longest ride I've done this year was not a good plan... but as much as it hurt at times and is going to really hurt tomorrow night, it was nice to be out on the bike on a section of trail that I haven't ridden since last fall.

I also gained some useful if frustrating information. A few years ago Yellowjacket Racing put a time cutoff on finishing the bike leg of the River Challenge Tri/Du - 2.5 hours. That includes the 5k run and 20 miles of hills on the bike. Based on tonight's ride, I don't have a prayer of making that cutoff - if I were in better shape I could just plan to hammer it out harder on race day and maybe make it, but right now I don't have enough hammering to last that long. So rather than start a race where I know ahead of time I'm going to fail, I'll find something less depressing and demoralizing to do that weekend. If nothing else it should mean more time to spend with Ann, which is a good thing given we've had no time together since the middle of April.