Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019

Even though it wasn't even remotely practical, part of me still was hoping to go run the Twilight Trail Race in Groton CT tonight, because it's one of my favorite races to do this time of year. But doing it would have meant leaving Albany by 2 PM or so and also would have added at 2-3 hours of driving to my time in the car today. In the end taking a nap turned out to be a lot more important, and even then I didn't get on the road until after 8 PM.

I had hoped to get in a short run or ride today, to loosen my legs up a bit before tomorrow's 10k... but between the nap and the various chores and packing that needed doing, that gradually went out the window. Also quite disappointing, given the sunny weather.

Oh, well, tomorrow is another day.