Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Now that the trees are leafing in, I seem to be getting more birds at the feeders again... possibly because it's more difficult for the hawks to pick them off (or maybe food is easy enough to find elsewhere that the hawk(s) don't need my backyard buffet.) One that stands out is the white-throated sparrow.


While these guys are apparently fairly common, I've only seen them once in a great while at the feeder... but over the last few weeks, there's been one out there pretty regularly. I've also been hearing them calling. Still, it was a surprise to take a look today and see half a dozen or so - three or four adults and a couple of juveniles.

UPDATE - The white-throated sparrows were around all day; even when they weren't looking for food, I could hear them calling. In the evening I had another treat - in addition to the pair of house finches that are pretty regular visitors, a pair of goldfinches spent some time at the thistle feeder. I don't know if I've ever seen them at my feeders before...