Thursday, May 09, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

So I'm horribly out of shape and the Rat Snake 11 miler is coming up with sickening rapidity...

Time for a test to see how my legs respond!

Friday night - the Cap & Gown 5k at Middlesex Community College in Middletown CT, since I'll be right near there anyway for

Saturday morning - the Salmon River 5.5mi Run in Colchester CT
which should leave me just enough time to drive to

Saturday night - the Towpath Trail Run 10k in St Johnsville, NY (yes, pretty much the exact opposite direction, and I'll likely have to skip the legendary post-race food at Salmon River... sigh.) And the, just to make the weekend complete,

Sunday morning - the Wa Wa Wally Waddle 5k at Vassar Farm (yup, THAT Vassar... wandered the trails on the farm property a few times in my 4 years at the college.

Hopefully after all of that it will be clear whether or not I'll be able to finish Rat Snake and if so, what kind of price I'll have to pay to do so.