Sunday, June 16, 2019

12.2 Mile Ride on the Albany County Rail Trail
Sunday, June 16, 2019

I had originally planned to run today but for various reasons decided to wait one more day... which unfortunately meant riding in the rain, since breaks in the precipitation were short-lived. But in the end it was less unpleasant than I expected. I broke my usual pattern and started at the far end in Voorheesville instead of the approximate mid-point in Slingerlands. That meant that I would have mostly downhill riding on the way out to warm up my legs, before the slog uphill to get back to the car.

The three parking lots were empty on my way out, though that wasn't the case at Slingerlands on the way back. The biggest surprise was how many people on bikes I encountered - I must have passed half a dozen or more, when I figured I'd be the only nutjob riding in the rain.

Spotted a couple of deer right off the trail on the way back, including one that seemed not quite sure what to make of me when I stopped to take a picture of the Hilton barn.

All in all, not a bad ride, and it even felt a little better than yesterday's. Perhaps that's a sign that one of the more important factors in my getting back into shape is consistency (like I didn't know that already.)