Sunday, June 23, 2019

18.5 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Sunday, June 23, 2019

That was further than I'd planned to ride, but it was such a nice evening... though I suspect my legs will disagree with me tomorrow.

Lots of wildlife tonight - a wood duck with ducklings, geese with goslings, muskrats, a heron, cedar waxwings, a multitude of catbirds calling from the trees and bushes, robins, and even two fawns who apparently found the greenery on the canal side of the path tastier than where they probably spend most of their time. They were especially amusing because they couldn't figure out what I was and whether or not they should get out of sight.

I also talked briefly with a fellow on a fully laden bike who is apparently riding across the US. Better him than me!