Friday, August 09, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Heard an unusual call while the birds were in the backyard today, and eventually spotted the newcomer - some sort of wren, probably a Carolina wren based on the call. Unfortunately, with the screen down for the summer it's very difficult to get decent pictures out the window, and this little guy seemed pretty determined to stay on the move.

Later I heard yowling and looked out to see one of the usual cats glaring at a smaller cat I've never seen before. That was reinforced when I went outside and the larger one took off, but I was eventually able to lure the smaller one close enough to get my hands on it. Definitely someone's pet. I checked with the new kids upstairs, but unfortunately it wasn't theirs, so I put it back in the yard and hoped that it would find its way back home without getting beaten up too badly by the strays.

Once it was dark I heard rustling and when I first looked out I saw a skunk. A few moments later the skunk was gone and there were three raccoons back there, enjoying the corn I put out for the squirrels (and digging something up as well, maybe worms?) One even climbed the fence the check out the hanging feeder near the window, but didn't seem particularly impressed. They were out there for quite a while before moving on.