Monday, October 21, 2019

13 Mile Ride on the Albany County Rail Trail
Monday, October 21, 2019

I had hoped to ride the entire trail end-to-end but it became clear fairly quickly that my legs weren't up for that, so I decided to skip the steepest section from South Pearl St to Delmar. It didn't help that my rear derailleur is somehow out of whack so that it kept trying to shift without my turning the shifting lever... another chore, to see if I can get that readjusted.

The path was very busy tonight - all the parking spaces were full at the Slingerlands trailhead except for the section signed "for vehicles with trailers only". So I ended up driving out to Voorheesville, where the parking areas were also filling up. Of course, when I rode past the Slingerlands lot, that sectioned I avoided parking in was filled with a line of cars, so I guess I could have parked there after all.