Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Productive Yet Disappointing Too
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Snow day today, though honestly with the small amount of snow we got I'm not sure the school's really needed to close - but I'll almost never bemoan an extra day off, though this once is going to have some of my students scrambling the get everything done that they need to by the end of the week.

Between the weekend and today I did manage to get a lot of the updates done for this season's series races on the Dion WMAC Snowshoe Series website that I manage - pretty much the only series races I haven't updated the info on are the ones that haven't posted updated info yet. In the past I've also tried to maintain a listing of as many of the other snowshoe races in the northeast as I can, but I need to think of a better way to do that, because keeping it up-to-date in very time consuming for something that essentially becomes just a public service (and it's not like I'm not already volunteering my time and paying for the website - though I do save money of a few series races each winter from RD's who thank me for my efforts by letting me run for free.)

The disappointment of the day came this afternoon when I wanted to go for a run and had a case of grumbling guts... I got geared up and everything but then after about 45 minutes gave up and changed into my hang around the apartment clothes. Hopefully tomorrow will be better - I'm going to take my gear with me to school and see if I can go for a run between the end of the school day and coming home for the evening (both because there will still be a little daylight left at that point and because it's difficult to get to sleep at a reasonable time when I run later in the evening, and I've been pretty sleep deprived lately.)

Anyway, enough whining and moaning, woe is me. I've got it good and just need to get my head out of my you-know-what and start seeing that again.