Monday, December 02, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

The snow started early yesterday afternoon; by the time I got up this morning, a little over a foot had fallen in Albany. It's been coming down lightly all day, but is supposed to pick up again tonight, when we might get as much as another foot.

Maybe I'm not much of a snowshoe runner after all, because as much as I like how nice the snow looks sometimes, all I can think right now is that it's going to be a lot of hard work (like the hour I spent shoveling this morning and walking to and from work tomorrow) and a pain in the neck (snow emergency parking, bleah.)

Not to mention all the people who don't bother to shovel their walks, so even just walking around here becomes a hassle.

Though I suppose the plus side is, I might actually get a few practice sessions on snowshoes before the season opening race on December 15...