Monday, February 17, 2020

3 Mile Walk on the Albany County Rail Trail
Monday, February 17, 2020

Lots of ice on the trail, and I was there late enough that some of the bare stretches of pavement were freezing over with a very thin sheen of ice - fun. The most surprising thing was being passed by 5 people on bikes, and none of them were on fat bikes - I would have considered much of the trail too treacherous for anything other than 4" tires (well, maybe studded mountain bike tires would be OK.)

One of the things I noticed was that I didn't start until 4:30, and the sun was just going down an hour later when I wrapped up... not that long ago it would have been dark when I started. Longer hours of daylight make me happy.

I also came home to the news that tomorrow's race at Gore is postponed for a week, which also makes me happy. I was going to try to get there, but even if I'd made it, it wasn't going to be pretty, after being sick since last Wednesday. Now tomorrow evening can be a little more relaxed.