Saturday, May 09, 2020

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Given how cold and windy it is today, I'm not sure I'm all that disappointed that I didn't get to run the two races I'd signed up for (Salmon River in the AM and Towpath Trail in the PM.) But at least we didn't get the snow some places did.

A couple of days ago I went under the bathroom sink and found that it was leaking again. This morning I took everything apart and found what I thought was the problem, but when I put it all back together it still leaked. A little research showed that I've been doing on of the kinds of connection wrong, so I once again took everything apart and tried reconnecting it the correct way. At the moment it seems to be behaving...

Unfortunately I didn't have the parts to also replace the two water shutoff valves, so sometime in the future I'm going to have to take it apart again to do that... but it does seem like I learn a little bit more each time, so maybe that's not so bad.

At least today's work didn't involve any rush trips to Lowes for parts!