Monday, July 13, 2020

3.9 Mile Run Through Crescent-Halfmoon Park
4.6 Mile Walk on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
6.1 Mile Walk on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Sunday, July 12, 2020 & Monday July 13, 2020

Tackling the night portion of the Circadian Challenge required an important consideration - where could I go after dark and not be too concerned about my car being ticketed or towed? The Pine Bush was a definite possibility but I can no longer navigate the trails there after dark without a light. I was also pretty sure I wanted to avoid too many hills, given that my legs were already tired from 14+ miles on my feet.

I ran the path through Crescent Halfmoom Park along the northern shore of the Mohawk River a number of months ago, so I decided that would be an easy start. Surprisingly I was able to run (slowly) most of the time I was there. From there I headed to Lock 7 Rd where the bike path crosses the road, and walked the path 1st to Blatnick Park at the top of the old landfill. There were fireflies everywhere and the frogs in the river were quite vocal, and while walking up the hill wasn't much fun, the view from the top made up for it. When I got back to Lock 7 Rd, it was easy enough to keep heading east for another half mile to get in all the distance I wanted for the evening.

While I had hoped to get a couple of hours of sleep before finishing up in the morning, that didn't happen. I was lucky in that a friend from work wanted to come along for the 5:30 AM morning walk - the company helped both the drive out to the park n ride at the end of 890 and the walk along the bike path go by more quickly, and along the way we saw wood ducks and ducklings, a muskrat, an egret, and a beaver (and numerous of the ubiquitous bunnies). 30 min before the 8 AM deadline I was back at the car to complete the challenge, having covered 14.6 miles in just under 4 1/2 hours.

Now I just have to survive today on no sleep. Circadian challenge indeed!