Monday, November 30, 2020

Raven Rocks Challenge 300k+!
Monday, November 30, 2020

When the Raven Rocks 10k was cancelled the organizers replaced it with a month-long challenge, one part of which was mileage-based. I knew I'd get 200k without much difficulty but really didn't think 300k was doable - that's an average of 10k a day. During the summer I was able to do even more than that (7-8 miles a day) but since school started back up that just isn't feasible - most weeks I can average 5 miles a day but not much more, it's simply too difficult to put in several hours outdoors after work more than a couple of times a week.

As of last Wednesday morning I had only accrued about 210k, which left me 6 days to get 90k. And somehow I pulled that off - well, I say somehow, but really it was simple - I ran a hell of a lot more than I usually do in a week, which was only possible because of the time I had off for the holiday.

I pleased to say that my legs didn't self-destruct, so I guess all the miles I walked and ran this spring and summer did some good. But I should still probably back off a bit and give them some rest.