Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday, December 11, 2020

Today is the first day this year that I have zero mileage to log and it definitely feels strange. Yesterday I was notified that I have been identified as a contact of someone who tested positive for Covid and will be required to quarantine until probably next Friday, which means that my outdoor options are limited to my very small backyard. After school wrapped up yesterday I spent half an hour walking around out there (and accumulated mind-numbing 0.5 miles woo hoo...) and concluded that I'm probably not going to want to do that again. So for the remaining duration of my house arrest, I'm modifying "outdoor activity" to mean "spend some time out in the backyard breathing fresh air, preferably at least 30 minutes if possible" - today I spent an hour after school sitting out there, reading for a bit and also ordering some bird seed and critter food that's supposed to be delivered on Monday so that perhaps I can get the squirrels and birds visiting again.

This too shall pass... if nothing else I'll have more time to get work done before the upcoming holiday break and maybe I can get my backside in gear and start working on some of the indoor workouts (stuff like DDP Yoga and maybe even some tai chi-yoga fusion that I've been interested in trying) that I never seem to have time to do.