Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Last November it was only as I got to the last week or so of the month that I realized that I might be able to complete the 300k challenge for the Raven Rocks Challenge - and I ended up doing 90k in the last six days and completed the final miles on the very last day. This year I went into the month knowing it was possible (but pretty damn hard - averaging 10k a day or about 43.5 miles a week, when I usually average about 35 miles during the school year) and managed to finish two days early. Of course I also ended up doing major amounts of walking during the half marathons I "ran" the past two weekends, so I suspect the mileage has taken its toll. So I'm glad I did it but I'm also looking forward to dropping back to only 35 miles a week for the foreseeable future (and hopefully no more halfs until spring.)