Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Damage Assessment
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Well, it could be worse. My legs are definitely tired, but not as much as I recall them being after Anchorage (the day after that one, I went for a hike at a nature center with a group of friends that included a very pregnant woman... and by the time we were done I was moving slower than she was!) Toes are still a bit tender where they were bruised. Probably the most noticeable aftereffects are a sore hip (or rather, a sore muscle running along the outside of my hip, probably due to a strength imbalance between my adductors and abductors) and some twinges/cramps in my lower back. I think tonight is an Icy Hot night!

Thought about trying a short ride tonight but ended up napping instead (I needed a nap just about every day for the week after Anchorage... we'll see if that's true this time too.) I'm definitely shooting for a ride tomorrow, and possibly a short, easy run on Thursday, depending on how the legs feel.

A friend congratulated me today on conquering NIPMUCK... I tend to think this year we reached an uneasy truce (NIPMUCK agreed not to kill me and I agreed not to die on the course...) Hopefully next year I will be sufficiently trained that I can actually conquer the course, by running the whole thing fairly consistently.

And that was certainly one tasty apple pie!