Thursday, June 07, 2007

Just How Lazy Are We?
Thursday, June 7, 2007

OK, I can be pretty lazy myself sometimes, but I find myself increasingly frustrated by what seems to be the physical laziness level of the general public.

At the end of my ride today, I passed by the Schenectady County Community College track and ball field, where a baseball game was in progress. Rather than park in the same lot I parked in and walk 1/8 of a mile to the ball field, the folks at the ball game drove their cars across the grass and parked along the perimeter of the ball field. While I was loading my bike on the car, one woman even drove up and asked me how to get to the ball game. When I said "See that sign over there that says no unauthorized vehicles past this point?" she just nodded and replied "Oh, I just drive that way. Thanks!"

Ann and I see this all the time when we're out in the parks in Rochester... folks having picnics no longer park in the lots and carry their stuff to their picnic area, they just drive across the grass to wherever they're going to be. Heaven forbid they actually have to work a bit to have their fun...

Is it any wonder we're a nation of increasingly obese adults and children?