Friday, June 27, 2008

7.1 Mile Run in the Pine Bush
Friday, June 27, 2008

Headed over to Rensselaer Lake (or, technically speaking, Six Mile Waterworks Pine Bush Preserve) for a medium-length run - I was planning to run over to the Pine Bush Discovery Center on Karner Rd and back. Looped through the park and along the lake, then out on the trails over to Rapp Road - and when I stopped to take a drink discovered that I had put one of my water bottles on my waist pack without filling it, leaving me with two bottles instead of three. Bonehead move! And given the heat, one that made me re-evaluate my plans, so that I ended up doing the entire run in this section of the Pine Bush, cutting about 3 miles off the distance I'd planned to do today.

The shores of the lake were pretty busy - some kind of fishing program was going on. Fortunately, the trails in the Pine Bush were much less crowded. Spotted lots of fish in the lake, a few turtles (including one pretty big snapping turtle doing a very good imitation of a piece of deadwood) and biggest surprise of all - a mole scurrying around on the trail. I managed to snap one picture of him before he burrowed under some leaves - I poked the leaves aside with a stick but by then he'd managed to burrow into the sand.