Thursday, July 08, 2010

1.4 Mile Walk at Ann Lee Pond
Thursday, July 8, 2010

I started out planning to ride my bike this evening, but I just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for riding or running after spending the day dripping sweat... in the end I decided to go for a short walk over at Ann Lee Pond before running some errands.

Once again I enjoyed looking at the fields of flowers in the fields along the western side of the pond... the black-eyed susans look like they were deliberately planted, covering large sections of two fields. And there are also smaller patches of other wildflowers scattered around - whites, purples, yellows, and pinks among the gold.

When I got to the "crazy bridge" on the far side of the pond, it seemed even more warped than usual because the water was the lowest I've ever seen it. I was surprised to see a group of five birds out on the bridge... some sort of plover or sandpiper I think, though I haven't managed to ID them yet. As I walked out on the bridge they worked their way down to the far end, but stayed on the bridge for quite a long while, until finally I guess I got to close and two at a time they flew off.

No ducks or geese around this evening, though I did hear the kingfisher chattering away a couple of times. After I'd walked the shore of the pond a bit I wandered over to the field with the bulls... two came right over to the gate because there was a fellow with a kid feeding them. After they left one of the bulls tried to mooch more food off of me, then settled for a long drink and a session at the salt lick. Watching the flies all over them I suddenly was glad that I both have access to bug spray and only have a few flies and mosquitoes at a time buzzing around me (whatever it might feel like while it's happening) - these guys had swarms of them on them, ugh.