Wednesday, September 02, 2015

0.8 Mile Walk at Buckingham Pond
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's not looking like it's going to pass quickly. In fact, it's behaving EXACTLY the same as my bout of the flu a little less than a year ago. Joy.

I had hoped to walk around the pond twice, but the ibuprofen I took a while before leaving the house hadn't kicked in yet, so I was pretty wiped out and decided not to push it. Not many people at the pond today, which was nice.

I did walk by two groups of runners - one a bunch of high school girls, probably training for XC, and the other a pair, maybe college age or a bit older, who both aggravated me by almost running into me in their determination to move aside as little as possible, despite the fact that I was right at the edge of my side of the path. I see the same thing a lot on the bike path, with riders buzzing down a busy path at 15-20 mph and passing people with inches to spare. I don't get it. Or maybe I do - it's another example of people being self-centered a-holes, so wrapped up in their own thing that they don't give a thought to the effect on the people around them.

Not that pedestrians are immune... there have been more than a few occasions where groups of people were taking up the entire bike path who barely move aside enough for me to ride past them, despite advance warning.