Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

So far I've shoveled twice today, about 10 inches of snow each time, and it doesn't seem to be easing up that much. By the time this storm is done we'll have gotten more snow than Albany has had for the last two winters combined.

I went out for a short walk... tried walking on the sidewalks but most are still uncleared, so I quickly got tired of post-holing and walked in the road. That wasn't much easier - apparently my street hasn't been plowed for at least several hours. Ended up walking a loop on one-way streets where I could walk again traffic and keep an eye out for the few cars that are on the road at the moment. It's a real mess out there, and I doubt it's going to get any better as people dig out their cars and sidewalks and have nowhere to put the snow.