Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2019

My internet service has been out since I got home last night... tonight I managed to access the control software for my modem/router and it was showing a strong DSL signal coming in, so I was sure I was going to need to manually reset the modem settings... which likely was going to mean a call to Verizon to try and get them to tell me the correct settings. And I absolutely, positively, completely and totally HATE calling Verizon. They are one of the few organizations I deal with where I've actually ended up yelling at someone on the other end of the phone line. More than once.

Except tonight while I was trying to get my mobile broadband setup to work on either of my laptops (both of which I recently upgraded to Windows 10, thanks to Microsoft finally closing the door on all Win7 updates) the modem started blinking furiously at me and the next thing I knew, I had internet again. So apparently I was wrong it and it was all Verizon's fault after all, and it ended up getting fixed without my having to endure the potentially most stressful parts of getting service restored.

Small victories are still victories, and having internet access again is awfully good.