Thursday, April 09, 2020

3.2 Mile Walk at Ann Lee Pond
Thursday, April 9, 2020
No otters today, and fewer ducks and geese than I saw last time. I also walked a good deal longer than I planned because I followed one of the unmarked trails - I'm now thinking there are enough trail miles there that I could run there, especially if I connect to the Bauer Park trails.

The goose near the bridge is definitely nesting. It's interesting that both times I've been there, there is also at least one duck hanging out with her.

Tonight's unusual critter didn't show up until after I'd left the park and was driving to the grocery store - there was a pair of vultures alongside the road trying to make a meal out of a dead possum in the road. No big surprise, I've seen lots of turkey vultures lately, it's their migration time - except this was a pair of black vultures, which are apparently becoming more common this far north.