Sunday, April 26, 2020

12.1 Mile Run Along the Appalachian Trail
(Egremont - Sheffield)
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Today I needed to run at least 19k on trails, to complete Steep Endurance's 19k virtual trail race. I considered a variety of venues but in the end headed to the place where I first ran on a trail, the Appalachian Trail between Guilder Hollow Rd in South Egremont and Boardman St in Sheffield. Doing it as an out-and-back made it very easy to keep track of my mileage and make sure I wouldn't fall short.
Yesterday was sunny and warm and every trailhead and path I drove past was swarming with people. Today was rainy and cold, so I looked forward to very little company out on the trail (and I was right.)
Besides getting to run somewhere that I've run more times than I can count and that has special significance for me, the highlight of the run occurred on my way out toward Sheffield, just past the Shay's Rebellion monument - I heard a barred owl call off in the conifers, and a higher pitched response (likely a female) further away. They spent a while calling back and forth while I listened.
I'm not sure when the last time I ran 12 miles was, so I took it very easy today - walked up anything resembling a hill and kept my pace slow even on the flats. By the time I got back to the car, my legs had definitely had it with climbing, but I still felt like I could have gone for a while longer over flat terrain. Didn't set any records for time on this one but I did meet my goal of finishing the distance without destroying my legs, which is a definite win in my book.