Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4.9 Mile Run on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
(Green Island-Van Schaick Island-Peebles Island)
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Something about the weather today had me wanting to both run and ride. Maybe it was the contrast with how cold and miserable yesterday was. Unfortunately, lots of other folks had the same thought about getting outdoors on a gorgeous day, which meant I spent a good deal of time pulling my mask up over my nose and mouth. Not fun, especially when there are still a lot of folks ignoring the order to wear a mask if they're in an area that's likely to be crowded.
The past Sunday was the date of the Delmar Duathlon, which consists of a 2 mile run, 10 mile ride, and 2 mile run. Didn't consider this beforehand, but today's run was a little longer than the total for the du. Guess I'm doing my own version a couple of days late.