Friday, November 09, 2007

No Running All Week... And Maybe No 20K Tomorrow...
Friday, November 9, 2007

Monday I started feeling like I was fighting off a cold (and losing) so I skipped the run I'd planned to try and get a little extra sleep. Between fighting the cold and being buried under work... my hoped-for run on either Tuesday or Wednesday just did not happen.

Now, for whatever reason, tonight my cold decided to kick it into full swing... gah.

So the hoped-for Mendon 50k which turned into the Mendon 20k may turn out to be the Mendon DNS. I'm a bit bummed at that thought... but I'd rather skip this week and recover from this stupid cold so I can run the last three races I have planned for this year (the Lil Rhody Runaround, the RT Turkey 5 Mile, and Gail's Trail Run on the Leatherman's course) than struggle through this one and blow the next couple because I ended up getting really sick.

And I must regain some balance in how my time is being spent... all work, little running, and little sleep are turning me into an unhappy turtle (and have probably contributed to my succumbing to a 2nd cold, when I'm usually pretty resistant to those kinds of bugs.)

Oh, well. Grading calls.