Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Walk in the Pine Bush
Thursday, March 13, 2008

photo slideshow

Another grey, chilly day, and I'm still doing my best to cough up both my lungs... but I wanted to get outside for a bit before class so I went for a walk in another section of the Pine Bush that I haven't visited in a while, the Rapp Barrens between Rapp Road and Rensellaer Lake. I ended up really wishing I'd worn my screw shoes because there was a lot of ice... which makes sense, since those trails are fairly shady.

Walking along some of the trails brought back memories of running the ARE's Dodge the Deer 5k over there back in early April 2005. That race hold a fond place in my memories because (1) I ran fairly well (for me!) and (2) it was the first race I did when I got back into training and racing again. Though conditions were very different today from then!

The sun peeked out a little bit toward the end, and if I could have I would have stayed out for a bit longer and enjoyed the break in the somewhat gloomy grey... but classes called, so instead I hustled back to the car to get over to the karate school.